“Wait, Stop, look up, hold correctly, Move move, horn, break….” One anxious father was saying this when he was teaching his son to ride a cycle. During our assessment when I asked, “your child is already 4 yrs old, he likes to ride a cycle?” The Parent gave me a scared look and said “ we haven’t tried a bicycle as he is small. We also feel that he may fall down, so we gave him a tricycle which he doen’t ride”.

Why ride a bicycle? It gives you a sense of freedom. Your child will feel confident and balance himself. Balancing is one of the most important skills. Our brain engages and gives signals when we drive. The Parietal lobe, The Occipital lobe process everything you see around to know where to steer. Lastly, the Temporal lobe gives you alertness based on what you hear.

It is important to provide age-appropriate bicycles and scooters to the child. The journey from fear to freedom begins when your child will ride a cycle.

Happy Parenting!!